Environmental Remediation

Brownfields Projects

Agency NameEnvironmental Protection Agency
Funding Amount$1,200,000,000.00
Bureau Name State and Tribal Assistance Grants
Funding Mechanism Cooperative Agreement
New? No
Funding Mechanism Cooperative Agreement

Funding Amount Notes

Period of Availability Available until expended
Recipients States, Counties, Cities/Townships, Tribal Governments (Federally Recognized), Public Housing Authorities, Indian Housing Authorities, Nonprofits With 501(C)(3) Status
Program Description The Environmental Protection Agency's Brownfields Program provides funds to empower States, communities, Tribes, and nonprofit organizations to prevent, inventory, assess, clean up, and reuse brownfield sites. The Environmental Protection Agency provides technical and financial assistance for brownfields activities that protect human health and the environment, encourage sustainable reuse, promote partnerships, strengthen local economies, and create jobs. By providing funds and technical assistance to assess, clean up, and plan for site reuse, the Environmental Protection Agency enables communities to overcome the environmental, legal, and fiscal challenges associated with brownfields properties. The Environmental Protection Agency's investments in communities across the country help local leaders eliminate uncertainties, clean up contaminated properties, and transform brownfield sites into community assets.
Eligible Uses Eligible activities include, but are not limited to, conducting community engagement and planning at one or more brownfield sites, site assessments, site cleanup planning and direct site cleanup.
sam.gov link https://sam.gov/fal/e6dd564514804abda16b1b946741a9f1/view
Statutory Location Division J, Title VI
Federal Cost Share Requirement No non-Federal cost share required