Clean Energy and Power

Carbon Capture Large-Scale Pilot Programs

Agency NameDepartment of Energy
Funding Amount$937,000,000.00
Bureau Name Office of Clean Energy Demonstrations
Funding Mechanism Cooperative Agreement
New? Yes
Funding Mechanism Cooperative Agreement

Funding Amount Notes

Period of Availability Available until expended
Recipients Technology Developers, Industry, Utilities, Universities, National Laboratories, Engineering and Construction firms, State, Tribal, and Local Governments, Environmental Groups, and Community Based Organizations.
Program Description To establish a carbon capture technology program for the development of transformational technologies that will significantly improve the efficiency, effectiveness, costs, emissions reductions, and environmental performance of coal and natural gas use, including in manufacturing and industrial facilities.
Eligible Uses Pilot projects that--(A) represent the scale of technology development beyond laboratory development and bench scale testing, but not yet advanced to the point of being tested under real operational conditions at commercial scale; (B) represent the scale of technology necessary to gain the operational data needed to understand the technical and performance risks of the technology before the application of that technology at commercial scale or in commercial-scale demonstration; and (C) are large enough--(i) to validate scaling factors; and (ii) to demonstrate the interaction between major components so that control philosophies for a new process can be developed and enable the technology to advance from large-scale pilot project application to commercial-scale demonstration or application. link
Statutory Location 41004
Federal Cost Share Requirement TBD