Electric Vehicles, Buses and Ferries

Charging and Fueling Infrastructure Grants (Community Charging)

Agency NameDepartment of Transportation
Funding Amount$1,250,000,000.00
Bureau Name Federal Highway Administration
Funding Mechanism Competitive Grant
New? Yes
Funding Mechanism Competitive Grant

Funding Amount Notes

Period of Availability 4 year
Recipients State or political subdivision of a State, Metropolitan Planning Organization, Local government, Special purpose district or public authority with a transportation function, Tribe, Territory
Program Description Program funds will be made available each fiscal year for Community Grants, to install electric vehicle charging and alternative fuel in locations on public roads, schools, parks, and in publicly accessible parking facilities. These grants will be prioritized for rural areas, low-and moderate-income neighborhoods, and communities with low ratios of private parking, or high ratios of multiunit dwellings.
Eligible Uses Acquisition and installation of publicly accessible electric vehicle charging or alternative fueling infrastructure, operating assistance (for the first 5 years after installation), acquisition and installation of traffic control devices.
sam.gov link https://sam.gov/fal/50471f650c3c4bb6a74b40c151b0381a/view
Statutory Location 11101; 11401
Federal Cost Share Requirement 80 percent Federal / 20 percent non-Federal