Environmental Remediation

Clean Energy Demonstrations on Current and Former Mine Land

Agency NameDepartment of Energy
Funding Amount$500,000,000.00
Bureau Name Office of Clean Energy Demonstrations
Funding Mechanism Grant, Cooperative Agreement, or Other
New? Yes
Funding Mechanism Grant, Cooperative Agreement, or Other

Funding Amount Notes

Period of Availability Available through 2026
Recipients Will be stipulated in competitive solicitation
Program Description To demonstrate the technical and economic viability of carrying out clean energy projects on current and former mine land. Up to five 5 clean energy projects are to be carried out in geographically diverse regions, at least 2 of which shall be solar projects.
Eligible Uses The term "�clean energy project"� "�means a project that demonstrates 1 or more of the following technologies:"�(A) Solar.(B) Micro-grids."�(C) Geothermal."�(D) Direct air capture."�(E) Fossil-fueled electricity generation with carbon "�capture, utilization, and sequestration."�(F) Energy storage, including pumped storage hydropower and "�compressed air storage."�(G) Advanced nuclear technologies."�In selecting clean energy projects for participation in the program under paragraph (1), the Secretary shall prioritize clean energy projects that will--"�(A) be carried out in a location where the greatest number of jobs can be created from the successful demonstration of the clean energy project;"�(B) provide the greatest net impact in avoiding or reducing greenhouse gas emissions;"�(C) provide the greatest domestic job creation (both directly and indirectly) during the implementation of the clean energy project;"�(D) provide the greatest job creation and economic development in the vicinity of the clean energy project, particularly--"�(i) in economically distressed areas; and "�(ii) with respect to dislocated workers who were previously employed in manufacturing, coal power plants, or coal mining;"�(E) have the greatest potential for technological innovation and commercial deployment; "�(F) have the lowest levelized cost of generated or stored energy;"�(G) have the lowest rate of greenhouse gas emissions per unit of electricity generated or stored; and"�(H) have the shortest project time from permitting to completion."�
sam.gov link https://sam.gov/fal/e5b2ef64248a42c4a1f3969f8f90bc13/view
Statutory Location 40342