
Commercial Driver's License Implementation Program

Agency NameDepartment of Transportation
Funding Amount$297,500,000.00
Bureau Name Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration
Funding Mechanism Grant and Cooperative Agreement
New? No
Funding Mechanism Grant and Cooperative Agreement

Funding Amount Notes

Period of Availability Year of award + four years
Recipients A State agency, local government, or any person
Program Description The Commercial Driver's License Implementation Program discretionary grant seeks to improve highway safety by supporting Commercial Driver's License Programs on a State and national level. The funding assists grant partners in achieving compliance with the Commercial Driver's License regulations in 49 CFR Parts 383 and 384 by providing funding directly to States and other entities capable of executing national projects to aid States in their compliance efforts.
Eligible Uses To assist the State in complying with the requirements of section 31311; to improve the State's implementation of its commercial driver's license program; research, development and testing, demonstration projects, public education, and other special activities and projects relating to commercial drivers licensing and motor vehicle safety link
Statutory Location 23001
Federal Cost Share Requirement Federal share is at least 85 percent.