
Continuing Authorities Program (Under Flood Control Act And River And Harbor Act)

Agency NameDepartment of Defense - Army Corps of Engineers
Funding Amount$465,000,000.00
Bureau Name Corps of Engineers - Civil Works
Funding Mechanism Direct Federal
New? No
Funding Mechanism Direct Federal

Funding Amount Notes

Period of Availability Available until expended
Recipients The Army Corps will use this funding to plan, design, and construct small water resources projects.
Program Description Funds eligible small Army Corps projects, including $115 million for restoring fish and wildlife passage.
Eligible Uses A variety of water resources projects which must meet program eligibility requirements, including a total Federal cost limit of ~$10 million.
Statutory Location Division J, Title III
Federal Cost Share Requirement In general, unless otherwise specified in law: "� Section 14, Section 103, Section 205 and Section 206 projects are cost-shared 50 percent Federal/50 percent Non- Federal for feasibility studies and 65 percent Federal/35 percent Non- Federal for design and implementation "� Section 107 projects are cost-shared 50 percent Federal/50 percent Non- Federal for feasibility studies and at varied percentages based on harbor depth "� Section 204 projects are cost-shared 100 percent Federal/0 percent Non- Federal for feasibility studies and 65 percent Federal/35 percent Non- Federal for design and implementation "� Section 1135 projects are cost-shared 50 percent Federal/50 percent Non- Federal for feasibility studies and 75 percent Federal/25 percent Non- Federal for design and implementation "� Section 206 carveout and Water Resources Development Act 2020 Section 165(a) projects are cost-shared 100 percent Federal/0 percent Non-Federal for all project phases.