Clean Energy and Power
Cost-effective Codes Implementation for Efficiency and Resilience
Agency NameDepartment of Energy
Funding Amount$225,000,000.00
Bureau Name
Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy
Funding Mechanism
Funding Mechanism
Funding Amount Notes
Period of Availability
Available until expended
States and State partnerships
Program Description
A competitive grant program to enable sustained, cost-effective implementation of updated building energy codes to save customers money on their energy bills.
Eligible Uses
(A) To create or enable State or regional partnerships to provide training and materials to--(i) builders, contractors and subcontractors, architects, and other design and construction professionals, relating to meeting updated building energy codes in a cost-effective manner; and (ii) building code officials, relating to improving implementation of and compliance with building energy codes; (B) to collect and disseminate quantitative data on construction and codes implementation, including code pathways, performance metrics, and technologies used; (C) to develop and implement a plan for highly effective codes implementation, including measuring compliance; (D) to address various implementation needs in rural, suburban, and urban areas; and (E) to implement updates in energy codes for -- (i) new residential and commercial buildings (including multifamily buildings); and (ii) additions and alterations to existing residential and commercial buildings (including multifamily buildings). link
Statutory Location