
Critical Infrastructure Security and Resilience Research

Agency NameDepartment of Homeland Security
Funding Amount$69,806,250.00
Bureau Name Science and Technology
Funding Mechanism Contract
New? Yes
Funding Mechanism Contract

Funding Amount Notes

Period of Availability 5 Year
Recipients May include but not limited to: Academia/Centers of Excellence, Industry (Small Business Innovation Research), Department of Energy National Labs, and Federal Funded Research and Development Centers.
Program Description This program oversees activities performed under the Infrastructure Act and reports to Congress on the progress of Critical Infrastructure Security and Resilience Research program's research and development activities.
Eligible Uses Planning tools for special event risk assessments rating. Electromagnetic pulse and geo-magnetic disturbance resilience capabilities. Positioning, navigation, and timing capabilities. Public safety and violence prevention to evaluate "�soft target"� security, including countering improvised explosive device events and protection of U.S. critical infrastructure. Research supporting security testing capabilities relating to telecommunications equipment, industrial control systems, and open-source software.