Roads, Bridges and Major Projects

Disadvantaged Business Enterprises

Agency NameDepartment of Transportation
Funding Amount$50,000,000.00
Bureau Name Federal Highway Administration
Funding Mechanism Contract Authority, Competitive Grant, Allocation
New? No
Funding Mechanism Contract Authority, Competitive Grant, Allocation

Funding Amount Notes

Period of Availability Available until expended
Recipients States
Program Description The Disadvantaged Business Enterprise program assists small and disadvantaged firms with building capacity and improving their ability to compete for Federal-aid highway contracts.
Eligible Uses The Disadvantaged Business Enterprise program supports the ability of State departments of transportation to achieve the objectives of the Disadvantaged Business Enterprise program, which are to ensure nondiscrimination and allow small businesses owned primarily by minorities and women to compete fairly for Department of Transportation-assisted contracts in the transportation industry link
Federal Cost Share Requirement No non-Federal cost share required