Clean Energy and Power

Energy Improvement in Rural or Remote Areas

Agency NameDepartment of Energy
Funding Amount$1,000,000,000.00
Bureau Name Office of Clean Energy Demonstrations
Funding Mechanism Grant, Cooperative Agreement, or Other
New? Yes
Funding Mechanism Grant, Cooperative Agreement, or Other

Funding Amount Notes

Period of Availability $200,000,000 appropriated annually for fiscal years 2022 through 2026 (to remain available until expended)
Recipients Cities, towns, or unincorporated areas with populations of not more than 10,000 inhabitants.
Program Description In consultation with the Department of the Interior, to provide financial assistance to improve, in rural or remote areas of the United States, the resilience, safety, reliability, and availability of energy, as well as environmental protection from adverse impacts of energy generation.
Eligible Uses Overall cost-effectiveness of energy generation, transmission, or distribution systems; siting or upgrading transmission and distribution lines; reducing greenhouse gas emissions from energy generation by rural or remote areas; providing or modernizing electric generation facilities; developing microgrids; and increasing energy efficiency. link
Statutory Location 40103
Federal Cost Share Requirement TBD