
Forest Health Management on Federal Lands Program and Forest Health Management on Cooperative Lands Program

Agency NameDepartment of Agriculture
Funding Amount$100,000,000.00
Bureau Name Forest Service
Funding Mechanism Direct Federal Spending and Grants Non-Federal
New? No
Funding Mechanism Direct Federal Spending and Grants Non-Federal

Funding Amount Notes

Period of Availability Each annual $20 million tranche has a four-year period of availability
Recipients States, Tribes, And Other Federal Agencies
Program Description The Forest Health Management on Federal Lands program helps the National Forest System and other actively managed Federal lands to suppress forest insects and diseases. Forest Health Management on Federal Lands' work includes technical assistance, suppression on non-Federal lands. The program helps State agencies create more fire-adapted communities by implementing pre-fire prevention and mitigation programs and emphasizing pre-fire planning and risk reduction in the Wildland Urban Interface. The program funds important training in safer initial attack responses to wildfire that are also effective. Additionally, the program improves capacity to assist other Federal, State, and local agencies in aiding communities affected by fire and non-fire emergencies, such as hurricanes and floods.
Eligible Uses Conduct surveys to detect and appraise insect infestations and disease conditions; Determine the biological, chemical, and mechanical measures necessary to prevent, retard, control, or suppress incipient, potential, threatening, or emergency insect infestations and disease conditions affecting trees; Plan, organize, direct, and perform measures necessary to prevent, retard, control, or suppress incipient, potential, threatening, or emergency insect infestations and disease epidemics affecting trees; Provide technical information, advice, and related assistance on the various techniques available to maintain a healthy forest; Develop applied technology and conduct pilot tests of research results prior to the full-scale application of such technology in affected forests; Promote the implementation of appropriate silvicultural or management techniques that may improve or protect the health of the forests of the United States. link
Statutory Location Division J, Title VI
Federal Cost Share Requirement Yes