
Geographic Programs - South Florida Geographic Initiatives Program

Agency NameEnvironmental Protection Agency
Funding Amount$16,000,000.00
Bureau Name Environmental Programs and Management
Funding Mechanism Grant
New? No
Funding Mechanism Grant

Funding Amount Notes

Period of Availability Available until expended
Recipients Broad Eligibilities
Program Description South Florida Geographic Initiatives Program provides competitive grants to address the immediate and emerging ecological pressures and threats to nearshore waters, bays, estuaries, beaches, and coral reefs central to South Florida's economic well-being.
Eligible Uses Canal demonstration projects; stormwater demonstration projects; coral research; endocrine disruptor impacts to marine fauna and flora; identifying and understanding cause/effect relationships of pollutants; developing effective remediation techniques for aquatic resources; addressing specific management questions and concerns; predictive models and monitoring tools; and overall improvement of our understanding of South Florida ecosystems.
sam.gov link https://sam.gov/fal/506d91738a2f469aa09eaf8a02543643/view
Statutory Location Division J, Title VI
Federal Cost Share Requirement Yes