Clean Energy and Power
Industrial Research and Assessment Centers
Agency NameDepartment of Energy
Funding Amount$150,000,000.00
Bureau Name
Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy
Funding Mechanism
Funding Mechanism
Funding Amount Notes
Period of Availability
Available until expended
Institutions of Higher Education, Community College, Trade School, Or Union Training Program
Program Description
To provide funding for institutions of higher education-based industrial research and assessment centers to identify opportunities for optimizing energy efficiency and environmental performance at manufacturing and other industrial facilities.
Eligible Uses
To provide in-depth assessments of small- and medium-sized manufacturing plant sites to evaluate the facilities, services, and manufacturing operations of the plant sites; to identify opportunities for optimizing energy efficiency and environmental performance, including implementation of-- (i) smart manufacturing; (ii) energy management systems; (iii) sustainable manufacturing; (iv) information technology advancements for supply chain analysis, logistics, system monitoring, industrial and manufacturing processes, and other purposes; and (v) waste management systems; to promote applications of emerging concepts and technologies in small- and medium-sized manufacturers (including water and wastewater treatment facilities and Federally owned manufacturing facilities); to promote research and development for the use of alternative energy sources to supply heat, power, and new feedstocks for energy-intensive industries; to coordinate with appropriate Federal and State research offices; to provide a clearinghouse for industrial process and energy efficiency technical assistance resources; and to coordinate with State-accredited technical training centers and community colleges, while ensuring appropriate services to all regions of the United States. link
Statutory Location
Federal Cost Share Requirement
none specified