Roads, Bridges and Major Projects

Intelligent Transportation Systems Program

Agency NameDepartment of Transportation
Funding Amount$250,000,000.00
Bureau Name Federal Highway Administration
Funding Mechanism Grants, Cooperative Agreements, other contracts
New? No
Funding Mechanism Grants, Cooperative Agreements, other contracts

Funding Amount Notes

Period of Availability Available until expended
Recipients Federal Highway Administration Research, Technology, and Education Program
Program Description The Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS) Program fosters innovation in transportation through the deployment of technology to enhance safety and efficiency while reducing environmental impacts of surface transportation, resulting in improved access and convenience, saved lives and time, and increased productivity.
Eligible Uses Innovative research and rapid deployment of applications and tools that facilitate a safe, connected, integrated, and automated transportation system. link
Statutory Location 11101; 11304
Federal Cost Share Requirement 80 percent Federal / 20 percent non-Federal for ITS research and development activities under 23 U.S.C. 516; otherwise, default provisions of 23 U.S.C. 120 apply