Roads, Bridges and Major Projects

Nationally Significant Federal Lands and Tribal Projects

Agency NameDepartment of Transportation
Funding Amount$275,000,000.00
Bureau Name Federal Highway Administration
Funding Mechanism Competitive Grant
New? No
Funding Mechanism Competitive Grant

Funding Amount Notes

Period of Availability 4 year
Recipients Any entity eligible to receive funding under the Tribal Transportation Program, Federal Lands Transportation Program, or Federal Lands Access Program. In addition, a State, county, or local government may apply if sponsored by an eligible Federal land management agency or Tribe.
Program Description The Nationally Significant Federal Lands and Tribal Projects program provides funding for the construction, reconstruction, and rehabilitation of nationally-significant Federal lands transportation projects and Tribal transportation projects.
Eligible Uses Eligible projects are projects that are on a Federal lands transportation facility, a Federal lands access facility, or a Tribal transportation facility. link
Statutory Location 11101; 11127
Federal Cost Share Requirement 90 percent Federal / 10 percent non-Federal