
Pollution Prevention Grants

Agency NameEnvironmental Protection Agency
Funding Amount$100,000,000.00
Bureau Name State and Tribal Assistance Grants
Funding Mechanism Grant
New? No
Funding Mechanism Grant

Funding Amount Notes

Period of Availability Available until expended
Recipients States, Tribes, State-Sponsored Institutions, Tribal Institutions
Program Description Grantees deliver technical assistance to businesses - including those communities with environmental justice concerns - to identify and adopt source reduction practices and technologies that benefit businesses, communities, and local economies. Pollution Prevention means reducing or eliminating pollutants from entering any waste stream or otherwise being released into the environment prior to recycling, treatment, or disposal.
Eligible Uses Specific technical assistance available to businesses seeking information about source reduction opportunities, including funding for experts to provide on-site technical advice to businesses and to assist in the development of source reduction plans; targeted assistance to businesses for whom lack of information is an impediment to source reduction; or training in source reduction techniques (where such training may be provided through local engineering schools or other appropriate means). link
Statutory Location Division J, Title VI
Federal Cost Share Requirement No non-Federal cost share required