Clean Energy and Power

Rare Earth Elements Demonstration Facility

Agency NameDepartment of Energy
Funding Amount$140,000,000.00
Bureau Name Fossil Energy and Carbon Management
Funding Mechanism Grant
New? Yes
Funding Mechanism Grant

Funding Amount Notes

Period of Availability Available until expended
Recipients Industry Partner
Program Description To demonstrate the feasibility of a full-scale integrated rare earth element extraction and separation facility and refinery.
Eligible Uses The facility established shall: (A) provide environmental benefits through use of feedstock derived from acid mine drainage, mine waste, or other deleterious material; (B) separate mixed rare earth oxides into pure oxides of each rare earth element; (C) refine rare earth oxides into rare earth metals; and (D) provide for separation of rare earth oxides and refining into rare earth metals at a single site. link
Statutory Location 40205