
Sector Risk Management Agencies

Agency NameDepartment of Homeland Security
Funding Amount$35,000,000.00
Bureau Name Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency
Funding Mechanism Contract
New? No
Funding Mechanism Contract

Funding Amount Notes

Period of Availability Five Year
Recipients Federal (Department of Homeland Security/ Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency)
Program Description The requested funding will allow the Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency to sustain coordinated support for Sector Risk Management Agencies across the Federal government, cultivating sector-specific expertise within the agency.
Eligible Uses First, the Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency will execute and sustain its capacity to effectively conduct and oversee cross-sector governance, management, administrative, and performance measurement initiatives in support of Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency's national cross-sector coordination role. These capabilities will expand Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency's capacity to serve as a cross-sector focal point for cybersecurity, infrastructure security, emergency communications, and risk management for all critical infrastructure sectors. This effort will also provide the national critical infrastructure community the capability and expertise to track progress towards collective outcomes and national priorities. Second, the Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency will execute and sustain risk analytic and risk management support across all sixteen critical infrastructure sectors to bolster both insight into cross-sector risk and significant risk issues within high priority sectors such as Communications and Information Technology. These expanded risk activities will allow the Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency to routinely assess the risk present within and across sectors and enable prioritization and identification of focused risk management initiatives supporting real, tangible risk reduction outcomes. Third, the Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency will maintain the process and cycle for collecting sector-specific critical infrastructure information from Sector Risk Management Agencies. This supports both the development of critical infrastructure intake, taxonomy and data stewardship processes and procedures, and a unified Sector Risk Management Agencies approach to characterizing risk mitigation vulnerability countermeasures guidance that Sector Risk Management Agencies and Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency produce.
Federal Cost Share Requirement No non-Federal cost share required