
Soil Moisture and Snowpack Pilot Program

Agency NameDepartment of Commerce
Funding Amount$1,000,000.00
Bureau Name National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
Funding Mechanism Various
New? No
Funding Mechanism Various

Funding Amount Notes

Period of Availability 2 years for each annual tranche
Recipients States, Counties, Cities / Townships, Special Districts, Tribal Governments (Federally Recognized), Tribal Governments (Other Than Federally Recognized), Public Higher-Ed Institutions, Private Higher-Ed Institutions, Nonprofits With 501(C)(3) Status, Nonprofits - Without 501(C)(3) Status, Small Businesses, Businesses (Other Than Small Businesses), And / Or Individuals
Program Description The study of the soil moisture and snowpack monitoring network in the Upper Missouri River Basin pursuant to section 511(b)(3) of the Water Resources Development Act of 2020 (division AA of Public Law 116-260) (see Provision 4 description).
Eligible Uses The study of the soil moisture and snowpack monitoring network in the Upper Missouri River Basin
sam.gov link https://sam.gov/fal/c401df859cf1424aa4c0e9c791ba57f9/view
Statutory Location Division J, Title II
Federal Cost Share Requirement No non-Federal cost share required