Roads, Bridges and Major Projects

Strategic Innovation for Revenue Collection (Set-aside)

Agency NameDepartment of Transportation
Funding Amount$75,000,000.00
Bureau Name Federal Highway Administration
Funding Mechanism Grants, Cooperative Agreements, other contracts
New? No
Funding Mechanism Grants, Cooperative Agreements, other contracts

Funding Amount Notes

Period of Availability Available until expended
Recipients States, Metropolitan Planning Organizations, and Local governments
Program Description Requires Department of Transportation to test the feasibility of a road usage fee and other user-based alternative revenue mechanisms to help maintain the long-term solvency of the Highway Trust Fund, through pilot projects at the State, local, and regional level.
Eligible Uses Road usage fee and other user-based alternative revenue mechanisms projects. link
Statutory Location 13001
Federal Cost Share Requirement 80 percent Federal / 20 percent non-Federal (for entities that have not otherwise received a grant under the section); 70 percent Federal / 30 percent non-Federal (for entities that have received at least 1 other grant under the section)