
Tribal Climate Resilience - Community Relocation

Agency NameDepartment of the Interior
Funding Amount$130,000,000.00
Bureau Name Bureau of Indian Affairs
Funding Mechanism Contract/Compact
New? Yes
Funding Mechanism Contract/Compact

Funding Amount Notes

Period of Availability Available until expended
Recipients Tribal Governments - Recognized
Program Description Implementation of Community Relocation, Managed Retreat, or Protect-in-Place Actions to increase climate resilience.
Eligible Uses Funds are designed to support Tribes facing questions and decisions regarding managed retreat, expansion, protect-in-place, and relocation options due to threats from intensifying coastal or riverine erosion, flooding and permafrost degradation impacts, sea level rise, and other impacts. Assessment, monitoring, planning, design, and implementation (of actions identified in existing planning documents or with appropriate baseline data) are allowable. Activities should address climate change impacts which affect the viability of infrastructure and other resources at risk. Examples of planning activities can include vulnerability and risk assessments, design of expansion, protect-in-place or relocation activities; analysis of options; development of Tribal community mitigation efforts; design of emergency drills and exercises, and more.
Statutory Location Division J, Title VI
Federal Cost Share Requirement No non-Federal cost share required