
Volunteer Fire Assistance

Agency NameDepartment of Agriculture
Funding Amount$20,000,000.00
Bureau Name Forest Service
Funding Mechanism Grant, Financial Assistance, Technical Assistance
New? No
Funding Mechanism Grant, Financial Assistance, Technical Assistance

Funding Amount Notes

Period of Availability Each annual $4 million tranche has a 4-yr period of availability
Recipients Community And State. National Association Of State Foresters, State Forestry Agencies, National Volunteer Fire Council And The International Association Of Fire Chiefs
Program Description The Volunteer Fire Assistance program focuses on increasing the capacity of local fire departments to provide initial attack on wildfires by providing additional firefighter training and assistance to departments with purchasing equipment. Recipients match grants dollar-for-dollar to maximize the value of the Federal investment. Rural fire departments also play a key role in educating constituents about fire adaptation and mitigation and help meet expanded fire protection needs within the wildland urban interface. Together, these initiatives combine to create more fire-adapted communities.
Eligible Uses Excess personal property used by State and local fire forces receiving assistance. link
Statutory Location Division J, Title VI
Federal Cost Share Requirement Yes