Develop And Publish Every 5 Years A Map Depicting At-Risk Communities, Including Tribal Communities

BIA-NTBG-2022-OIEDOpportunity Number
Posted Date
Direct Federal SpendingFunding Mechanism
Department of AgricultureAgency
$1,200,000.00Funding Amount

Funding Amount Notes

Period of Availability Available until expended
Program Description The Forest Service will develop and publish every five years a map depicting at-risk communities, including Tribal communities.
Eligible Uses N/A

Direct Federal Spending (Or Other) For National Revegetation Strategy

BIA-NTBG-2022-OIEDOpportunity Number
Posted Date
Direct Federal SpendingFunding Mechanism
Department of the InteriorAgency
$70,000,000.00Funding Amount

Funding Amount Notes

Period of Availability Funding available until expended for total amount across entire Program ($905 million), but portions of the total are allocated to specific fiscal years, each with a different period of availability
Program Description Funding to implement a national revegetation effort on private and public lands
Eligible Uses Programs and projects to implement a national revegetation effort on Federal and non-Federal lands, including to implement the National Seed Strategy for Rehabilitation and Restoration.

Direct Federal Spending For Invasives

BIA-NTBG-2022-OIEDOpportunity Number
Posted Date
Grant, Direct Federal SpendingFunding Mechanism
Department of the InteriorAgency
$100,000,000.00Funding Amount

Funding Amount Notes

Period of Availability Funding available until expended for total amount across entire Program ($905 million), but portions of the total are allocated to specific fiscal years, each with a different period of availability
Program Description Funding for invasive species detection, prevention, and eradication on private or public lands.
Eligible Uses Projects and programs for invasive species detection, prevention, and eradication, including conducting research and providing resources to facilitate detection of invasive species at points of entry and awarding grants for eradication of invasive species on non-Federal land and on Federal land.

Direct Federal Spending For Resilient Recreation Sites

BIA-NTBG-2022-OIEDOpportunity Number
Posted Date
Direct Federal SpendingFunding Mechanism
Department of the InteriorAgency
$45,000,000.00Funding Amount

Funding Amount Notes

Period of Availability Funding is available until expended for total amount across entire Program ($905 million), but portions of the total are allocated to specific fiscal years, each with a different period of availability.
Program Description Funding to improve resilience of recreation sites on Federal lands, including Indian forest or range lands.
Eligible Uses Projects to restore, prepare, or adapt recreation sites on Federal land that have experienced or may likely experience visitation and use beyond the carrying capacity of the sites.

Ecological Health Restoration Contracts

BIA-NTBG-2022-OIEDOpportunity Number
Posted Date
Direct Federal SpendingFunding Mechanism
Department of AgricultureAgency
$150,000,000.00Funding Amount

Funding Amount Notes

Period of Availability Available until expended
Program Description This program is responsible for issuing contracts for management of programs with authority to dispose of National Forest System timber and non-timber forest products harvested for commercial, personal, and Tribal uses.
Eligible Uses Focus areas include sale preparation, contract administration, purchaser suspension and debarment, special forest products, and related authorities and programs.

Ecosystem - Delaware River Basin Conservation Act

BIA-NTBG-2022-OIEDOpportunity Number
Posted Date
GrantFunding Mechanism
Department of the InteriorAgency
$26,000,000.00Funding Amount

Funding Amount Notes

Period of Availability Available until expended
Program Description The Delaware River Basin program provides competitive matching grants for habitat conservation to State and local governments, nonprofit organizations, institutions of higher education, and other eligible entities in the Delaware River Basin.
Eligible Uses Funds will be distributed through a combination of competitive contracts, Tribal grants and other grants, and cooperative agreements.

Ecosystem - Fish Passage

BIA-NTBG-2022-OIEDOpportunity Number
Posted Date
Grant, Direct Federal SpendingFunding Mechanism
Department of the InteriorAgency
$200,000,000.00Funding Amount

Funding Amount Notes

Period of Availability Available until expended
Program Description For the removal of barriers and for technical assistance under the National Fish Passage Program. The National Fish Passage Program is an existing program that relies on a network of U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service biologists and engineers stationed throughout the country.
Eligible Uses Funds will be distributed through a combination of competitive contracts, Tribal grants and other grants, and cooperative agreements.

Ecosystem - Klamath Basin

BIA-NTBG-2022-OIEDOpportunity Number
Posted Date
Cooperative Agreement, Direct Federal SpendingFunding Mechanism
Department of the InteriorAgency
$162,000,000.00Funding Amount

Funding Amount Notes

Period of Availability Available until expended
Program Description Funding provided will be allocated for habitat restoration and water right acquisition to help restore the Klamath ecosystem, as well as for enhanced hatchery production of listed Klamath species (Lost River and shortnose suckers).
Eligible Uses Funds will be distributed through a combination of competitive contracts, Tribal grants and other grants, and cooperative agreements.

Ecosystem - Lake Tahoe

BIA-NTBG-2022-OIEDOpportunity Number
Posted Date
GrantFunding Mechanism
Department of the InteriorAgency
$17,000,000.00Funding Amount

Funding Amount Notes

Period of Availability Available until expended
Program Description To deploy strategies consistent with the Lake Tahoe Aquatic Invasive Species Management Plan to prevent the introduction or spread of aquatic invasive species in the Lake Tahoe region.
Eligible Uses Projects that support invasive species control.

Ecosystem - Sagebrush-Steppe

BIA-NTBG-2022-OIEDOpportunity Number
Posted Date
Grant, Cooperative Agreement, Direct Federal SpendingFunding Mechanism
Department of the InteriorAgency
$50,000,000.00Funding Amount

Funding Amount Notes

Period of Availability Available until expended
Program Description To conserve the sagebrush ecosystem of the American West and the nationally-significant biological, cultural and economic resources it supports.
Eligible Uses Funds will be distributed through a combination of competitive contracts, Tribal grants and other grants, and cooperative agreements.

Emergency Watershed Protection Program

BIA-NTBG-2022-OIEDOpportunity Number
Posted Date
Technical and Financial AssistanceFunding Mechanism
Department of AgricultureAgency
$300,000,000.00Funding Amount

Funding Amount Notes

Period of Availability Available until expended
Program Description Provides for design and construction of measures to help repair damages from a recent disaster to safeguard life and property.
Eligible Uses Reduce threats to life or property by repairing severe soil erosion and impairments or restoring the hydraulic capacity to the natural environment in an economically/environmentally defensible & technically sound manner.

Energy Sector Operational Support for Cyber Resilience Program

BIA-NTBG-2022-OIEDOpportunity Number
Posted Date
National Laboratory FundingFunding Mechanism
Department of EnergyAgency
$50,000,000.00Funding Amount

Funding Amount Notes

Period of Availability Available until expended
Program Description To support a program to build energy sector operational support for cyber resilience.
Eligible Uses Enhance and periodically test the emergency response capabilities of the Department and the coordination of the Department with other agencies, the National Laboratories, and private industry; Expand cooperation of the Department with the intelligence community for energy sector-related threat collection and analysis; Enhance the tools of the Department and Electricity Information Sharing and Analysis Center for monitoring the status of the energy sector; Expand industry participation in Electricity Information Sharing and Analysis Center; and Provide technical assistance to small electric utilities for purposes of assessing and improving cyber maturity levels and addressing gaps identified in the assessment.