Physical Security

BIA-NTBG-2022-OIEDOpportunity Number
Posted Date
ContractFunding Mechanism
Department of Homeland SecurityAgency
$38,800,000.00Funding Amount

Funding Amount Notes

Period of Availability Five Year
Program Description Provides a layered and integrated capability to safely screen for potential threat items in unstructured crowds within soft-target venues and crowded spaces without impact to the speed of travel while maintaining individual privacy.
Eligible Uses Public safety and violence prevention to evaluate "�soft target"� security, including countering improvised explosive device events and protection of U.S. critical infrastructure.

Planning Assistance To States

BIA-NTBG-2022-OIEDOpportunity Number
Posted Date
Direct FederalFunding Mechanism
Department of Defense - Army Corps of EngineersAgency
$30,000,000.00Funding Amount

Funding Amount Notes

Period of Availability Available until expended
Program Description The Army Corps provides planning and technical assistance to States, Tribes, and local communities to address water resource issues and related work.
Eligible Uses Labor and related work performed by the Army Corps.

Pollution Prevention Grants

BIA-NTBG-2022-OIEDOpportunity Number
Posted Date
GrantFunding Mechanism
Environmental Protection AgencyAgency
$100,000,000.00Funding Amount

Funding Amount Notes

Period of Availability Available until expended
Program Description Grantees deliver technical assistance to businesses - including those communities with environmental justice concerns - to identify and adopt source reduction practices and technologies that benefit businesses, communities, and local economies. Pollution Prevention means reducing or eliminating pollutants from entering any waste stream or otherwise being released into the environment prior to recycling, treatment, or disposal.
Eligible Uses Specific technical assistance available to businesses seeking information about source reduction opportunities, including funding for experts to provide on-site technical advice to businesses and to assist in the development of source reduction plans; targeted assistance to businesses for whom lack of information is an impediment to source reduction; or training in source reduction techniques (where such training may be provided through local engineering schools or other appropriate means).

Post-Fire Restoration

BIA-NTBG-2022-OIEDOpportunity Number
Posted Date
Direct Federal SpendingFunding Mechanism
Department of AgricultureAgency
$100,000,000.00Funding Amount

Funding Amount Notes

Period of Availability Available until expended
Program Description The Burned Area Recovery program will provide restoration activities on wildfire affected areas within three years after the date that a wildland fire is contained.
Eligible Uses Areas on National Forest System lands severely burned by wildland fire.

Preplanning Fire Response Workshops And Workforce Training

BIA-NTBG-2022-OIEDOpportunity Number
Posted Date
Direct Federal SpendingFunding Mechanism
Department of AgricultureAgency
$50,000,000.00Funding Amount

Funding Amount Notes

Period of Availability Available until expended
Program Description The Forest Service will conduct pre-planning fire response workshops that develop Potential Operational Delineations and select potential control locations and workforce training for staff, non-Federal firefighters, and Native village fire crews.
Eligible Uses To conduct workshops and develop potential operational delineations

Prescribed Fires

BIA-NTBG-2022-OIEDOpportunity Number
Posted Date
Direct Federal SpendingFunding Mechanism
Department of AgricultureAgency
$250,000,000.00Funding Amount

Funding Amount Notes

Period of Availability Available until expended
Program Description The Hazardous Fuels program prioritizes treating areas with high potential for damaging wildfires within the wildland-urban interface using a scenario planning tool to identify areas where there is high and very high wildfire hazard potential.
Eligible Uses Projects that mitigate wildfire risk on hazardous fuels in high priority and high-risk areas around the Nation.

Probabilistic Analysis of National Threats, Hazards, and Risks

BIA-NTBG-2022-OIEDOpportunity Number
Posted Date
ContractFunding Mechanism
Department of Homeland SecurityAgency
$13,400,000.00Funding Amount

Funding Amount Notes

Period of Availability Five year
Program Description This program addresses biological, chemical, and hazard knowledge gaps to inform defensive strategies that provide accurate, useful, and defensible knowledge and tools to stakeholders in time to enable risk-informed decision-making pertinent for defense against weapons of mass destruction threats to the homeland.
Eligible Uses Public safety and violence prevention to evaluate "�soft target"� security, including countering improvised explosive device events and protection of U.S. critical infrastructure.

Promoting Resilient Operations for Transformative, Efficient, and Cost-Saving Transportation (PROTECT) - Discretionary

BIA-NTBG-2022-OIEDOpportunity Number
Posted Date
Competitive GrantFunding Mechanism
Department of TransportationAgency
$1,400,000,000.00Funding Amount

Funding Amount Notes

Period of Availability 4 year
Program Description PROTECT Grants will support planning, resilience improvements, community resilience and evacuation routes, and at-risk coastal infrastructure.
Eligible Uses Highway, transit, and certain port projects are eligible.

Provide Financial Assistance To States, Tribes, And Units Of Local Government To Establish And Operate Reverse-911 Telecommunication Systems

BIA-NTBG-2022-OIEDOpportunity Number
Posted Date
GrantFunding Mechanism
Department of AgricultureAgency
$30,000,000.00Funding Amount

Funding Amount Notes

Period of Availability Available until expended
Program Description Establishment of reserve-911 telecommunication systems.
Eligible Uses Establishment of reserve-911 telecommunication systems.

Reforestation Trust Fund (Replant Act)

BIA-NTBG-2022-OIEDOpportunity Number
Posted Date
Direct Federal SpendingFunding Mechanism
Department of AgricultureAgency
$528,000,000.00Funding Amount

Funding Amount Notes

Period of Availability Available until expended
Program Description The Reforestation Trust Fund receives budgetary resources from periodic transfers by the U.S. Treasury of tariffs from imported wood products. The funds are used to reduce the backlog in reforestation and timber stand improvement work.
Eligible Uses Reforestation activities include site preparation for planting or seeding of the appropriate tree species, site preparation to encourage natural regeneration, and certification of acres naturally regenerated without the need for site preparation.

Regulatory Program

BIA-NTBG-2022-OIEDOpportunity Number
Posted Date
Direct FederalFunding Mechanism
Department of Defense - Army Corps of EngineersAgency
$160,000,000.00Funding Amount

Funding Amount Notes

Period of Availability 2022 - 2026
Program Description Provides funds to administer the laws and regulations pertaining to activities affecting U.S. waters, including wetlands, in accordance with the Rivers and Harbors Appropriation Act of 1899, the Clean Water Act of 1972, and the Marine Protection, Research and Sanctuaries Act of 1972. Additionally, it reviews and processes permit applications, ensures compliance on permitted sites, and protects important aquatic resources.
Eligible Uses Labor and related expenses for Army Corps staff.

Removal Of Vegetation For Biochar And Innovative Wood Products

BIA-NTBG-2022-OIEDOpportunity Number
Posted Date
Direct Federal SpendingFunding Mechanism
Department of AgricultureAgency
$100,000,000.00Funding Amount

Funding Amount Notes

Period of Availability Available until expended
Program Description This program, through contracting or employing crews of laborers, supports the modification and removal of flammable vegetation on Federal land and for using materials from treatments, to the extent practicable, to produce biochar and other innovative products, including through the use of locally based organizations that engage young adults, Native youth, and veterans in service projects, such as youth and conservation corps.
Eligible Uses To be determined.