Landscape Scale Restoration Water Quality and Fish Passage

BIA-NTBG-2022-OIEDOpportunity Number
Posted Date
Direct Federal SpendingFunding Mechanism
Department of AgricultureAgency
$80,000,000.00Funding Amount

Funding Amount Notes

Period of Availability Available until expended
Program Description This program improves fish and wildlife habitat connectivity and helps to recover Endangered Species Act-listed or Endangered Species Act candidate species that depend on National Forest System lands.
Eligible Uses High priority habitats on National Forest System lands.

Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program

BIA-NTBG-2022-OIEDOpportunity Number
Posted Date
GrantFunding Mechanism
Department of Health and Human ServicesAgency
$500,000,000.00Funding Amount

Funding Amount Notes

Period of Availability 2022 - 2026
Program Description The Low-Income Home Energy Assistance Program assists eligible low-income households with their heating and cooling energy costs, bill payment assistance, energy crisis assistance, weatherization and energy-related home repairs.
Eligible Uses The Low-Income Home Energy Assistance Program provides Federally funded assistance in managing costs associated with home energy bills, energy crises, weatherization and energy-related minor home repairs.

Manufacturing Leadership (Sec 40534)

BIA-NTBG-2022-OIEDOpportunity Number
Posted Date
GrantFunding Mechanism
Department of EnergyAgency
$50,000,000.00Funding Amount

Funding Amount Notes

Period of Availability Available until expended
Program Description To provide funding to States to provide assistance to small and medium manufacturers to invest in smart manufacturing technologies or access high-performance computing resources for manufacturing analysis.
Eligible Uses (1) To facilitate access to high-performance computing resources for small and medium manufacturers; and (2) to provide financial assistance to small and medium manufacturers to implement smart manufacturing technologies and practices

Marine Debris

BIA-NTBG-2022-OIEDOpportunity Number
Posted Date
VariousFunding Mechanism
Department of CommerceAgency
$150,000,000.00Funding Amount

Funding Amount Notes

Period of Availability 2 years for each annual tranche
Program Description The mission of the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration Marine Debris Program is to investigate and prevent the adverse impacts of marine debris. The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration Marine Debris Program envisions the global ocean and its coasts free from the impacts of marine debris.
Eligible Uses Removal and cleanup of significant legacy debris such as abandoned and derelict vessels and derelict fishing gear, as well other priority debris types, that pose a threat to National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration trust resources, the economy or navigation safety. Prevention of the re-accumulation of marine debris, as well as preventing common consumer debris from entering the marine environment. Assessment of the scope, scale, and distribution of marine debris in the environment through marine debris monitoring and detection investments.

Marine Debris

BIA-NTBG-2022-OIEDOpportunity Number
Posted Date
GrantFunding Mechanism
Department of CommerceAgency
$50,000,000.00Funding Amount

Funding Amount Notes

Period of Availability 2 years for each annual tranche
Program Description The mission of the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration Marine Debris Program is to investigate and prevent the adverse impacts of marine debris. The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration Marine Debris Program envisions the global ocean and its coasts free from the impacts of marine debris.
Eligible Uses Research (physical and social science, engineering, and legal) and increasing capacity and expertise through education to eliminate barriers to marine debris prevention and removal.

National Estuarine Research Reserve System

BIA-NTBG-2022-OIEDOpportunity Number
Posted Date
GrantFunding Mechanism
Department of CommerceAgency
$77,000,000.00Funding Amount

Funding Amount Notes

Period of Availability 2 years for each annual tranche
Program Description The National Estuarine Research Reserve System consists of estuarine areas of the United States and its territories designated and managed for research and educational purposes, called Reserves. Each Reserve within the National Estuarine Research Reserve System is chosen to represent a different biogeographic region and to include a variety of ecosystem types in accordance with the classification scheme of the national program as specified in 15 CFR 921.
Eligible Uses Coastal habitat restoration; coastal habitat restoration planning, engineering and design; land conservation

Northern Border Regional Commission

BIA-NTBG-2022-OIEDOpportunity Number
Posted Date
GrantFunding Mechanism
Northern Border Regional CommissionAgency
$150,000,000.00Funding Amount

Funding Amount Notes

Period of Availability Available until expended
Program Description The Northern Border Regional Commission catalyzes regional, collaborative, and transformative community economic development approaches that alleviate economic distress and position the region for economic growth.
Eligible Uses Eligible uses are pending final decisions, but may include: Transportation Infrastructure; Basic Public Infrastructure; Telecommunications Infrastructure; Renewable and Alternative Energy Sources

Pacific Coastal Salmon Recovery Fund

BIA-NTBG-2022-OIEDOpportunity Number
Posted Date
GrantFunding Mechanism
Department of CommerceAgency
$172,000,000.00Funding Amount

Funding Amount Notes

Period of Availability 2 year
Program Description The Pacific Coastal Salmon Recovery Fund was established by Congress in 2000 to reverse the declines of Pacific salmon and steelhead. The program supports conservation efforts in California, Oregon, Washington, Idaho, and Alaska. It is essential to preventing the extinction of the 28 listed salmon and steelhead species on the West Coast.
Eligible Uses Actions to support the recovery and protection of declining salmon stocks.

Prioritization Process Pilot Program

BIA-NTBG-2022-OIEDOpportunity Number
Posted Date
GrantFunding Mechanism
Department of TransportationAgency
$50,000,000.00Funding Amount

Funding Amount Notes

Period of Availability 4 year
Program Description Pilot program to support data-driven approaches to planning that can be evaluated for public benefit.
Eligible Uses The Prioritization Process Pilot Program will award grants to selected States and Metropolitan Planning Organizations to fund the development and implementation of publicly accessible, transparent prioritization processes to assess and score projects according to locally determined priorities, and to use such evaluations to inform the selection of projects to include in transportation plans.

Recreation Sites

BIA-NTBG-2022-OIEDOpportunity Number
Posted Date
Direct Federal SpendingFunding Mechanism
Department of AgricultureAgency
$55,000,000.00Funding Amount

Funding Amount Notes

Period of Availability Available until expended
Program Description Recreation Management. The recreation program administers recreation sites, including campgrounds and day-use areas, and special use authorizations, such as ski lodges, resorts, and outfitter guides. This program provides recreational access to over 193 million acres on national forest lands containing more than 27,000 campgrounds, picnic areas, trailheads, and day-use areas; 220,000 miles of fishable streams; and 122 ski areas.
Eligible Uses Increasing capacity for critical recreation operations, planning, services, and improvements, with particular emphasis on creating welcoming, sustainable, and equitable recreation opportunities for all Americans.

Reduce, Reuse, Recycling Education and Outreach Grants

BIA-NTBG-2022-OIEDOpportunity Number
Posted Date
Cooperative Agreements and/or GrantsFunding Mechanism
Environmental Protection AgencyAgency
$75,000,000.00Funding Amount

Funding Amount Notes

Period of Availability Available until expended
Program Description Communities across the country are burdened by pollution impacts from inefficient waste management systems. This historic investment will transform public education and outreach regarding how to reduce, reuse, and recycle right.
Eligible Uses To award grants focused on improving material recycling, recovery, management, and reduction. To improve the effectiveness of residential and community recycling programs through public education and outreach. Funded projects should inform the public about residential or community recycling programs, provide information about the recycled materials that are accepted, increase collection rates and decrease contamination.

Regional Ocean Partnerships

BIA-NTBG-2022-OIEDOpportunity Number
Posted Date
Contract, Cooperative AgreementFunding Mechanism
Department of CommerceAgency
$56,000,000.00Funding Amount

Funding Amount Notes

Period of Availability 2 years for each annual tranche
Program Description Regional Ocean Partnerships are regional organizations voluntarily convened by governors working in collaboration with other governments (including Tribal, Federal, and local) and stakeholders to address ocean and coastal issues of common concern in that region. Regional Ocean Partnerships, along with equivalent organizations such as Integrated Ocean Observing System Regional Associations, also serve to enhance associated sharing and integration of Federal and non-Federal data.
Eligible Uses Implementation of Regional Ocean Partnership priority actions identified in Regional Ocean Partnership work plans; regional capacity for sharing and integration of Federal and non-Federal data