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Water Resources Development Act Data Acquisition

BIA-NTBG-2022-OIEDOpportunity Number
Posted Date
VariousFunding Mechanism
Department of CommerceAgency
$25,000,000.00Funding Amount

Funding Amount Notes

Period of Availability 2 years for each annual tranche
Program Description Section 511(b)(1) and (2) of the Water Resources Development Act of 2020 (division AA of Public Law 116-260) requires the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration to establish a pilot program within the National Mesonet Program for the acquisition and use of data generated by a U.S. Army Corps of Engineers -led initiative. Army Corps of Engineers is augmenting existing mesonet sites in 5 networks in the Upper Missouri River Basin with new soil moisture and snowpack instrumentation and installing new sites to reach a total of 540 sites outfitted with the new instrumentation by the end of fiscal year 2026. To support these efforts, the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration will establish the Soil Moisture and Snowpack Monitoring Pilot Program, which will acquire data that is generated by the network being installed in the Upper Missouri River Basin from 2023 through 2025. The National Weather Service National Mesonet Program supports a public-private partnership of nearly four-dozen mesonet networks operated by the States and the private sector providing hydrometeorological observational data at more than 30,000 sites nationwide.
Eligible Uses Establishment of the Soil Moisture and Snowpack Monitoring Pilot Program, which will acquire data that is generated by the network being installed in the Upper Missouri River Basin.

Watershed Management Projects

BIA-NTBG-2022-OIEDOpportunity Number
Posted Date
Financial AssistanceFunding Mechanism
Department of the InteriorAgency
$100,000,000.00Funding Amount

Funding Amount Notes

Period of Availability Available until expended
Program Description Watershed management includes water conservation and efficiency projects that increase reliability for ecological value, improvements to mitigate drought-related impacts to ecological values, and projects that improve the condition of a natural feature or nature-based feature.
Eligible Uses Watershed management activities that include water conservation and efficiency projects that increase reliability for ecological value, improvements to mitigate drought-related impacts to ecological values, and projects that improve the condition of a natural feature or nature-based feature.

WaterSMART Grants

BIA-NTBG-2022-OIEDOpportunity Number
Posted Date
GrantFunding Mechanism
Department of the InteriorAgency
$400,000,000.00Funding Amount

Funding Amount Notes

Period of Availability Available until expended
Program Description This funding will be used for competitive grants through WaterSMART under the authority of Sec. 9504(a) of the SECURE Water Act for water management improvements that contribute to water supply sustainability, increase drought resilience, and that have environmental benefits.
Eligible Uses Grant projects that support water management improvements that contribute to water supply sustainability, increase drought resilience, and that have environmental benefits