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Highway Research & Development Program

BIA-NTBG-2022-OIEDOpportunity Number
Posted Date
GrantFunding Mechanism
Roads, Bridges and Major ProjectsCategory
Department of TransportationAgency
$310,000,000.00Funding Amount

Funding Amount Notes

Period of Availability Available until expended
Program Description The Highway Research and Development Program performs research and development to produce transformative solutions to improve safety, foster innovation, accelerate projects, and better meet operations, policy, and infrastructure needs.
Eligible Uses The programs under the Federal Highway Administration's research and development portfolio cover exploratory advanced research, applied research and development, and initial testing of technological solutions that address emerging needs and support the infrastructure of the future. Federal Highway Administration's research programs seek to improve safety, reduce congestion, enhance infrastructure design and construction, and provide data and analyses to decision-makers throughout the transportation community.

Highway Use Tax Evasion Projects

BIA-NTBG-2022-OIEDOpportunity Number
Posted Date
Competitive Grant, AllocationFunding Mechanism
Roads, Bridges and Major ProjectsCategory
Department of TransportationAgency
$20,000,000.00Funding Amount

Funding Amount Notes

Period of Availability 4 year
Program Description The Highway Use Tax Evasion Projects program provides funding to the Internal Revenue Service and the States to carry out intergovernmental enforcement efforts, along with training and research, to reduce evasion of payment of motor fuel and other highway use taxes, which are the principal sources for Federal and State highway funding.
Eligible Uses Intergovernmental enforcement efforts, along with training and research, to reduce evasion of payment of motor fuel and other highway use taxes.

Intelligent Transportation Systems Program

BIA-NTBG-2022-OIEDOpportunity Number
Posted Date
Grants, Cooperative Agreements, other contractsFunding Mechanism
Roads, Bridges and Major ProjectsCategory
Department of TransportationAgency
$250,000,000.00Funding Amount

Funding Amount Notes

Period of Availability Available until expended
Program Description The Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS) Program fosters innovation in transportation through the deployment of technology to enhance safety and efficiency while reducing environmental impacts of surface transportation, resulting in improved access and convenience, saved lives and time, and increased productivity.
Eligible Uses Innovative research and rapid deployment of applications and tools that facilitate a safe, connected, integrated, and automated transportation system.

National Culvert Removal, Replacement, & Restoration Grant

BIA-NTBG-2022-OIEDOpportunity Number
Posted Date
Competitive GrantFunding Mechanism
Roads, Bridges and Major ProjectsCategory
Department of TransportationAgency
$1,000,000,000.00Funding Amount

Funding Amount Notes

Period of Availability Available until expended
Program Description The Office of the Secretary's National Culvert Removal, Replacement and Restoration program provides supplemental funding for grants to a State, local government, or an Tribe on a competitive basis for projects that replace, remove, and/or repair culverts or weirs.
Eligible Uses Establish an annual competitive grant program to award grants to eligible entities for projects for the replacement, removal, and repair of culverts or weirs that: (1) would meaningfully improve or restore fish passage for anadromous fish; and (2) with respect to weirs, may include (A) infrastructure to facilitate fish passage around or over the weir and (B) weir improvements.

National Motor Vehicle Per-Mile User Fee Pilot (Set-aside)

BIA-NTBG-2022-OIEDOpportunity Number
Posted Date
Grants, Cooperative Agreements, other contractsFunding Mechanism
Roads, Bridges and Major ProjectsCategory
Department of TransportationAgency
$50,000,000.00Funding Amount

Funding Amount Notes

Period of Availability Available until expended
Program Description The purpose of this pilot program is to demonstrate a national motor vehicle per-mile user fee to restore and maintain the long-term solvency of the Highway Trust Fund and to improve and maintain the surface transportation system.
Eligible Uses Pilot projects on per-mile user fees.

Nationally Significant Federal Lands and Tribal Projects

BIA-NTBG-2022-OIEDOpportunity Number
Posted Date
Competitive GrantFunding Mechanism
Roads, Bridges and Major ProjectsCategory
Department of TransportationAgency
$275,000,000.00Funding Amount

Funding Amount Notes

Period of Availability 4 year
Program Description The Nationally Significant Federal Lands and Tribal Projects program provides funding for the construction, reconstruction, and rehabilitation of nationally-significant Federal lands transportation projects and Tribal transportation projects.
Eligible Uses Eligible projects are projects that are on a Federal lands transportation facility, a Federal lands access facility, or a Tribal transportation facility.

On-the-Job Training Program

BIA-NTBG-2022-OIEDOpportunity Number
Posted Date
Competitive Grant, AllocationFunding Mechanism
Roads, Bridges and Major ProjectsCategory
Department of TransportationAgency
$50,000,000.00Funding Amount

Funding Amount Notes

Period of Availability Available until expended
Program Description The On-the-Job Training program helps develop the capacity of the Nation's current and future highway construction industry workforce by providing the development and diversity of skilled labor.
Eligible Uses The On-the-Job Training Program directly supports the requirement that prime contractors participating on Federally-assisted contracts to establish apprenticeship and training programs targeted to move minorities, women, and disadvantaged individuals into journey-level positions and provides funds for State departments of transportation to implement skills training programs to prepare individuals to participate in the highway construction workforce as trainees and apprentices on Federally-assisted construction contracts. Additionally, funding is provided to States to partner with accredited academic institutions for the National Summer Transportation Institute program focused on science, technology, engineering, and math opportunities for high school and junior high/middle school students to learn about, and become familiar with, transportation-related career options. Funding also supports the Summer Transportation Internship Program for Diverse Groups, which provides internship opportunities for college students to engage with Department of Transportation modes to work in a transportation-related career field.

Puerto Rico Highway Program

BIA-NTBG-2022-OIEDOpportunity Number
Posted Date
Grant Allocated ProgramFunding Mechanism
Roads, Bridges and Major ProjectsCategory
Department of TransportationAgency
$900,995,000.00Funding Amount

Funding Amount Notes

Period of Availability 4 year
Program Description The Puerto Rico Highway Program provides funding to carry out a highway program in the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico.
Eligible Uses Projects eligible under the National Highway Performance Program, the Highway Safety Improvement Program, and for any purpose under chapter 1 of title 23, United States Code. Funding split among these eligibilities is outlined in law.

Reconnecting Communities Pilot Program

BIA-NTBG-2022-OIEDOpportunity Number
Posted Date
Competitive GrantFunding Mechanism
Roads, Bridges and Major ProjectsCategory
Department of TransportationAgency
$1,000,000,000.00Funding Amount

Funding Amount Notes

Period of Availability Available until expended
Program Description Reconnecting Communities Pilot Program will restore community connectivity by removing, retrofitting, or mitigating highways or other transportation facilities that create barriers to community connectivity, including to mobility, access, or economic development
Eligible Uses Grants (≥$5 million) for capital construction projects, including the removal and replacement of eligible facilities. Planning grants (≤$2 million).

Rural Surface Transportation Grant Program

BIA-NTBG-2022-OIEDOpportunity Number
Posted Date
Competitive GrantFunding Mechanism
Roads, Bridges and Major ProjectsCategory
Department of TransportationAgency
$2,000,000,000.00Funding Amount

Funding Amount Notes

Period of Availability 4 year
Program Description Rural Surface Transportation Grant Program will support projects to improve and expand the surface transportation infrastructure in rural areas to increase connectivity, improve the safety and reliability of the movement of people and freight, and generate regional economic growth and improve quality of life.
Eligible Uses Highway, bridge, or tunnel projects eligible under the National Highway Performance Program, Surface Transportation Block Grant Program, or the Tribal Transportation Program; highway freight project eligible under the National Highway Performance Program; highway safety improvement project; project on a publicly-owned highway or bridge improving access to certain facilities that support the economy of a rural area; integrated mobility management system, transportation demand management system, or on-demand mobility services.

State Incentives Pilot Program (Set-aside within Nationally Significant Freight and Highway Projects - INFRA)

BIA-NTBG-2022-OIEDOpportunity Number
Posted Date
Competitive GrantFunding Mechanism
Roads, Bridges and Major ProjectsCategory
Department of TransportationAgency
$750,000,000.00Funding Amount

Funding Amount Notes

Period of Availability 4 year
Program Description INFRA awards competitive grants for multimodal freight and highway projects of national or regional significance to improve the safety, efficiency, and reliability of the movement of freight and people.
Eligible Uses Projects that improve safety, generate economic benefits, reduce congestion, enhance resiliency, and hold the greatest promise to eliminate freight bottlenecks and improve critical freight movements.

Strategic Innovation for Revenue Collection (Set-aside)

BIA-NTBG-2022-OIEDOpportunity Number
Posted Date
Grants, Cooperative Agreements, other contractsFunding Mechanism
Roads, Bridges and Major ProjectsCategory
Department of TransportationAgency
$75,000,000.00Funding Amount

Funding Amount Notes

Period of Availability Available until expended
Program Description Requires Department of Transportation to test the feasibility of a road usage fee and other user-based alternative revenue mechanisms to help maintain the long-term solvency of the Highway Trust Fund, through pilot projects at the State, local, and regional level.
Eligible Uses Road usage fee and other user-based alternative revenue mechanisms projects.